University of Pannonia - Zalaegerszeg University Centre

Business Information Technology


We recommend the major to you if:

  • you are interested in IT solutions for running businesses,
  • you want to manage IT systems that support real, value-creating economic and business processes
  • you see a challenge in formulating, modelling and solving IT problems


The purpose of the training:

The training provides students with interdisciplinary knowledge that meets the needs of the labour market, who are able to understand and model real economic and business processes, formulate problems and solve them, or propose solutions. They can effectively use the possibilities offered by IT systems. If necessary, they are also capable of introducing and developing IT systems. With a basic degree, economic informatics professionals are able to apply the knowledge of economics and IT within the entire supply chain, to perform analysis tasks, supporting the preparation and decision-making of business decisions. In addition, they are capable of effective cooperation with partners, economic specialists, and IT development staff with their communication skills and knowledge of foreign languages.


Did you know that:

  • the graduates of the economic informatics program will be able to perform tasks requiring economic, business and IT expertise at the same time?
  • thanks to the knowledge acquired with us, you can become a professional who is able to understand real business processes and problems and solve them with IT support?
  • in addition to basic IT knowledge, our students can also acquire specialized knowledge, such as DataScience, virtual environments or MI?


Employment options:

  • Economic IT System Developer, Designer, Analyst
  • Supply Chain IT Managers, Consultant,
  • Economic IT Process Operator, Supervisor, Controller
  • Enterprise Management System Administrator
  • Data Warehouse Employee
  • Logistics Planner-Analyst
  • Business Software Designer, Business Software Developer